Grow Your Own Fresh Produce With MICA Hydroponics Plant System

The Future Of Sustainable Agriculture!

Hydroponics Made Easy With MICA’s Innovative Plant System


From Seedlings to Full Growth Lettuces
MICA Hydroponics Plant System Before - SeedlingsMICA Hydroponics Plant System After - Full Growth Lettuces

Frequently Ask Questions

Frequently Ask Questions

What is hydroponics farming?

Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil. Instead of using soil, hydroponic systems provide plants with nutrients and water directly to their roots through a water-based solution.

How does hydroponics farming work?

In hydroponics farming, plants are grown in water that is enriched with nutrients. The roots of the plants are suspended in the water, and a pump circulates the water and nutrients to the plants.

What are the advantages of hydroponics farming?

Hydroponics farming requires less water than traditional farming, uses less space, and can produce higher yields of crops.

Can hydroponics farming be done at home?

Yes, hydroponics farming can be done at home using a small setup. This is a great way to grow fresh produce in urban areas with limited space.

What types of plants can be grown using hydroponics farming?

A wide variety of plants can be grown using hydroponics farming, including lettuce, herbs, tomatoes, peppers, and strawberries. To prepare your nutrient for optimal growth, please refer to the chart and video provided below.

Does hydroponics farming require pesticides?

Hydroponics farming can be done without pesticides, since it is a controlled and sterile environment. However, some growers may choose to use organic pesticides to prevent pests.

Is hydroponics farming environmentally friendly?

Hydroponics farming is a more environmentally friendly method of farming, since it uses less water and produces less waste than traditional farming methods.

Is hydroponics farming more expensive than traditional farming?

Hydroponics farming can initially be more expensive to set up, but over time it can be more cost-effective due to higher crop yields and lower water and fertilizer usage.

Preparing Nutrients

Preparing nutrients for hydroponics farming is crucial for the success of healthy growth seedlings and plants. Since hydroponics relies on a nutrient solution instead of soil, it is essential to provide the plants with the appropriate nutrients in the right balance. This ensures that the seedlings or plants grow properly and produce high-quality yields.
Nutrients Chart For Hydroponics Farming
Basil5.5 - 6.5700 - 1120
Bean (Common)6.0 - 6.01400 - 2800
Bean (Broad)6.0 - 6.51400 - 1800
Bell Peppers6.0 - 6.71400 - 2000
Broccoli6.0 - 6.51960 - 2450
Cabbage6.5 - 7.01750 - 2100
Cauliflower6.0 - 7.01050 - 1400
Celery6.3 - 6.71260 - 1680
Chives6.0 - 6.51260 - 1680
Cucumber5.8 - 6.01190 - 1750
Eggplant5.5 - 6.51750 - 2450
Lavender6.4 - 6.8700 - 980
Lemon Balm5.5 - 6.5700 - 1120
Lettuce5.5 - 6.5560 - 840
Melon5.5 - 6.01400 - 1750
Mint5.5 - 6.01400 - 1680
Pak-choi7.01050 - 1400
Parsley5.5 - 6.0560 - 1260
Pea6.0 - 7.0580 - 1260
Peas (Sugar)6.0 - 6.8580 - 1261
Peppers (Bell)6.0 - 6.51400 - 1750
Peppers (Hot)6.0 - 6.51400 - 2450
Pumpkin5.5 - 7.51260 - 1680
Sage5.5 - 6.5700 - 1120
Spinach5.5 - 6.61260 - 1610
Squash5.0 - 6.51260 - 1680
Strawberries5.5 - 6.5500 - 700
Thyme5.5 - 7.0560 - 1120
Tomato5.5 - 6.51400 - 3500
Watercress6.5 - 6.8280 - 1260
Watermelon5.81050 - 1680

Hydroponics Seed Germination System

MICA 米佳 Hydroponics Seed Germination System is a cutting-edge solution that offers numerous benefits to hydroponics farming enthusiasts. With this system, you can grow your favorite plants without soil, using only water and nutrients. This technology promotes faster and healthier growth, resulting in higher yields and better quality produce.

One of the biggest benefits of the MICA Hydroponics Seed Germination System is that it allows you to control every aspect of your seedlings’ growth. You can adjust the water and nutrient levels, monitor the temperature and humidity, and even regulate the lighting to ensure optimal growing conditions. This means that you can nurture your seedlings all year round, in regardless of the weather.

One of its key benefits is its easy maintenance, particularly when it comes to cleaning the water tank. Furthermore, this system is incredibly efficient and eco-friendly. Unlike traditional farming methods, MICA Hydroponics Seed Germination System uses up to 90% less water and requires no pesticides or herbicides, making it an ideal solution for those who are environmentally conscious.

Seedlings Germination Process

Hydroponics Plant System

MICA 米佳 Hydroponics Plant System is a cutting-edge solution that offers numerous benefits to hydroponics farming enthusiasts. With this system, you can grow your favorite plants without soil, using only water and nutrients. This technology promotes faster and healthier growth, resulting in higher yields and better quality produce.

One of the biggest benefits of the MICA Hydroponics Plant System is that it allows you to control every aspect of your plants’ growth. You can adjust the water and nutrient levels, monitor the temperature and humidity, and even regulate the lighting to ensure optimal growing conditions. This means that you can nurture your plants all year round, in regardless of the weather.

One of its key benefits is its easy maintenance, particularly when it comes to cleaning the water tank. Furthermore, this system is incredibly efficient and eco-friendly. Unlike traditional farming methods, MICA Hydroponics Plant System uses up to 90% less water and requires no pesticides or herbicides, making it an ideal solution for those who are environmentally conscious.

Seedlings To Full Growth Plants

Why Anodized Aluminum

Anodized aluminium is a form of aluminum that has been treated through an electrochemical process to create a highly durable finish.

Through this electrochemical process, anodized aluminium is produced by submerging the metal into a series of tanks, which a protective anodic layer is generated from the metal itself, providing an exceptionally durable finish.

As the anodized layer being formed from the aluminium itself, rather than being applied via paint or other substances, the anodized aluminium is therefore more resilient than other similar materials, eliminating the potential for chipping, flaking, or peeling.

Anodized aluminum is three times more harder than its original form and 60 percent lighter than other materials such as stainless steel and copper.


At MICA, we are dedicated to being carbon neutral. Aluminium is the most cost-effective material to recycle by far.
